Here is the lore/quest text associated with this part of the mission.Īt the end of the mission, you will encounter a trio of Dread Forces Leader (champion) and 2x Dread Forces Gunner (strong).Ĭompleting Fatal Errors will reward you with the following lore text for Fatality Crash Talking to General Avrun | Bren will lead you to the middle of map where you enter an instance for the mission. You will need to head to the west portion of Section X and enter a subzone called The Frozen Lake. While this quest is labeled as a Heroic 2+, it can be soloed if you are decently geared. He will hand you a quest called Fatal Errors (Heroic 2+) for Empire players | The Fatality (Heroic 2+) for Republic players and ask you to track down General Avrun (Empire) | Bren (Republic) out in the Frozen Lake. New arrives to Section X will be greeted by a droid called G0-A1 (Empire) | B6-31 (Republic) not far from the ship landing pad. So yes, you will need a level 50 character to unlock HK-51 but there might be an option in the future to unlock it for other characters in your legacy. Only Coruscant and Dromund Kaas compoents are bound to legacy, rest of the components go straight to your mission tab of your inventory and are bound to that character.You will need to run two specific flashpoints as part of the quest.If you scanner detects a component nearby, make sure to call it out so other players can benefit as well! Once a component is unearthed, anyone nearby, regardless of if they are in your party/ops, can loot it. When hunting down HK-51’s components, the more people you have to cover territory, the better. This is because one of HK 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it is bind on legecy (i.e. It doesn’t have to be high level (Level 15 is ok).

You will need an alt of the opposite faction.Things to know before starting the quest (i.e.