Pay attention to these as they’ll give you clues as to how to evolve your disease to take advantage of world events. As the infection spreads you’ll receive updates and useful news feeds that help you decide how to evolve your disease. To start the game, you pick a country of origin for the infection (hint: pick somewhere with ports and airports- easier to spread). The game is set up in levels by type of pathogen and you have to win a game with a first level pathogen before you can move onto juicier ones.

is an intricate game that takes nine screens of instruction, but don’t worry it’s easy to learn as you go and overtime you’ll learn your own strategy. This game is all about strategy and takes dedication, patience and some time if you want to win it’s no quickie. Your goal in this game is to infect and kill the world with a disease that you create, mutate and evolve into a worldwide deadly plague while racing against the cure. app for iPhone and iPad from Ndemic Creations LTD. If you like movies like Contagion or board games like Pandemic you’ll love the Plague Inc.